Egen virksomhet | Publisert: 05.01.2024

Self-employed persons

AFAG is a professional association for persons with a masters degree or equivalent in architecture and design. The association also organises those who are self-employed or have an independent practice, as well as students.

As self-employed, AFAG can assist you in several ways. While we work to ensure that our members have good working conditions and fair salaries, we are also your negotiating partner and offer legal assistance.  If any disputes should arise with your employer or clients, we can assist you in finding the best solution to the problem. AFAG constantly works to achieve full employment among its membership groups.

AFAG is a member of the Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations (Akademikerne), which currently has more than 231 000 members.

Bank and insurance

As a member in AFAG, you are eligible for banking offers and insurance benefits through our collaboration partners Storebrand and Handelsbanken. More information about Storebrand and Handelsbanken

Liability insurance

If you run your own business, AFAG can offer you a very favourable liability insurance. Contact Storebrand at phone 67 51 93 00  or visit

Legal assistance

Our lawyers offer free legal assistance to self-employed persons in cases relating to agreements, compensation, and copyright issues. Members can also receive a one-hour free consultation regarding taxes and starting a business. On our website, you can find the the legal reference work Compendia Personal.

Support for participation in workshops

As a member of AFAG, you can receive financial support to attend workshops organised by the National Association of Norwegian Architects (NAL), the Norwegian association of Landscape Architects (NLA), and the Association of Interior Architects and Furniture Designers (NIL). You must apply to the secretariat for a refund. The application must be submitted when the workshop is completed. You can find the application form here.

Register for membership in AFAG here.

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