Meet and greet for foreign architects, planners, and designers

10. mai 2022 // 17:00
Dette er et arrangement som har funnet sted

The Architects’ Trade Union (AFAG) invites all foreign architects, planners, and designers to a meet and greet on May 10th, 17:00 – 19:00.

At the event, we will go through your rights as an employee, and introduce you to AFAG and our member benefits. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to meet employees with similar experiences as you. We will serve food and beverages.

The gathering will take place centrally in Oslo. More information to come.


Register now.

RSVP by May 5th.


Please share this invitation with friends and colleagues who might find this networking event and more information on workers’ rights useful.

Download the English invitation here.


The event will be held in English.